Monday, December 8, 2008

2008 PCAV State Show Jumping Qualifiers for the State Show Jumping 2009

On December 7, 2008 I entered two of my horses into the State SJ qualifiers for the State SJ Championships to be held in 2009. This event was in December, two months before the State Championships. I entered Nerreman Tatiana into the B grade section. We had a very good day, coming 1st in two of the SJ rounds and 2nd in the third round. Overall came 1st out of 4 riders.

In C grade I entered Nerreman Jack Rabbit (pony club name being Black Jack). We were having quite a good day until the last round were I let him flatten to much over a jump, knocking the rail down. If I had of collected him and gotten over the jump clear, we would of placed 1st overall out of ...... combinations, but we came 4th instead, but still qualifying. Because you can only take one combination to the State Championships, I gave up our place to the next placed rider in the C Grade Section.

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