Tuesday, June 15, 2010


June 11-14

Placed 5th

Recently I competed at the International horse event, Melbourne 3 Day event. Last year I had competed at this event at CCI junior one star, and I did so this year as well. Last year, I finished up at 8th. This year I managed to place 5th over all. I am very proud of my horse and I's efforts =]. Still working on our dressage haha. But I feel we have improved immensely. Even though we were competing in the juniors, we are the youngest competing in the class. We were also one of the few to do well in both jumping phases. We easily tackled a good riding cross country course and had a nice round of show jumping, with one unfortunate rail, but that one was my fault. But we all learn from our mistakes. Now looking forward to Sydney 3 day event in August, and a fundraiser horse trials a month before that just to keep us rolling.